Monday, June 1, 2009

I was tracking our dossier the past few days via Fed Ex, it arrived this morning in Gingers country. It was signed for, and picked up early afternoon their time, which is 7 hrs ahead (I think). I'm praying the translator cranked and is almost or done with our papers. Our facilatator was hoping to get our dossier submitted tomorrow to the State Dept of Adoption. Awesome news: Gingers country has deceided NOT to ban international adoption at this time, thank you God, I was so scared. Thank you God for helping the political officials not to ban adoption to this country becasue like us, numerous families are also adopting right now, and want to get their kids, and not have them languashing in institutions.

1 comment:

  1. Oh thank goodness.

    do you have any photo's of Ginger? I cant remeber if you have said..
