Monday, September 21, 2009

Julia saw Ortho today. All was well, except her hips rotate out too easily, she is like a toddler learning to walk, wide gait, arms out or bent at the elbow for balance. C spine is fine, scoliosis is only 10 degrees, knee caps only slightly loose, better than Matts. she needs braces called SMO's, like a high top sneaker for her feet, ankles to have more stability. Left the Ortho appt feeling good, and drove Julia for her afternoon school tutoring. Right before dinner the phone rings, saw childrens hosp on caller ID, thought it was some recording for an appt reminder, than I hear the GI Dr voice and picked up. He proceeds to tell me "I want to talk to you about Julias labs I ordered" I just thought they would be normal and he was just getting back to us, routine call, NOT. He told me that our little girl has Hepatitis C, she is not just a carrier, she actually has the virus. I asked him to repeat himself, and to hold while I got some paper and a pen. Julia and I head to the hospital Weds for repeat labs as to not have a false positive, as she is having an upper GI. GI has contacted 2 of his colleagues at the Liver clinic on our behalf and we will see what these new labs show. I am really stunned, can't stop thinking about it. We have to have some precautions in place in our home now. I have a feeling that the labs will show the same, but am praying this is a false positive. Dr felt she has probably had this since birth, but really don't have any documentation other wise. She could eventaully have liver scaring or cirrhosis. At least if she does have Hep c, she has adequate nutrition now, and great medical care, so that will help. Better than langushing in the Orphanage. I'm really bothered by this. I had plans for Julia and I to go to Fenway Park tomorrow, to enjoy a great day courtesy of the Genesis Fund, not now, will be on the phone with numerous Dr's and insurance. Just really sucks.


  1. I'm so sorry. Praying this is a false positive and praying for good health for Julia either way.

  2. Praying for Julia!! Bless her heart!

  3. Check out for info/support. There is a yahoogroup for families with adopted kids with HepB, it is but I don't know about HepC. Does require some life-style changes, but not unmanageable.
    Hang in there!
