Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Jlia was aweful quiet for a few mins, and found a big blowout in her pull up. Julia has school tutoring this afternoon, she gets so excited, loves the SPED teacher, will continue until school starts. Mat is doing well in school, went on the bus with his aide on the class trip across town t a colonial house, has a blacksmith shop, crat area, and a barn on the grounds, historical structes depicting colonial time. I volunteered, the kids loved it! When the trip was nearly over, a few of the kids wanted to take pics with, Matt, and the girls in his group wanted a pic with him, he's is quite a ham, nice he is making new friends, since he changed schools. Julia saw the liver Dr this morning, she was so nice. We talked a while about Hep C,and how she thinks Julia may have gotten it. We know the LFTS liver function tests) are elevated, but not too bad yet, had blood work drawn for the genotype of the HCV, to see what med route we ave to take. Dr felt that we can talk more about meds in Jan, after the dust has settled a little more regarding the T&A, and getting her teeth cleaned, extracted, cavities filled, etc. Also had labs done for HIV and syphlis, call the Dr back in a week. Julias lab for a gene,tic anemia disorder, came up on blood work from Sept, since she had mild anemia which was treated by iron supplements, put a call into the Pedi, see what he thinks. Today, while at childrens hosp, soedays they give me a paper with an appt on it, but today they called it "Julias Itinarary" Guess it goews to show how many appts she has coming up. Tomorrow, she and Matt are going to opthamology, he for a return visit, and she a new patient. Have to remmind myself to have the eye Dr chak way back in Julias eyes at the retina, guess Hep c can cause damage to the retna. Geez, almost time to get Matt at school, and get Julia ready to go for her afternoon of schooling.Keep praying for Frank to get a job.

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