Wednesday, April 8, 2009

This made my day: We have to change one number on the proof of property form, and get that form with some town ID on it. I went over to the town assessor office, who have been wonderful. the Assessor said he will transfer all the info from our cover letter onto town paper, with his name, title, address, town seal, and go back to the notary for me, when it's CONVENIENT for me! We will E mail that to him. the woman at this office asked me how the notarys are going, and I told her about the blue-black ink scenario, and she said that every notary she has used or receiving papers with a notary have always been stamped in dark blue ink, they stand out a little more against black typed letters. Still waiting for the CORI (criminal offender records) state clearance letters, finshed up my Dr paperwork, and so have Frank. I'm psyched to head back into Boston, praying for monday, and it's a warm sunny day, and possibly take a stroll through Faniuel Hall, maybe have a sandwich by Boston Harbor, watching the planes fly overhead. got me thinking about the planes coming into Logan Airport, will love the day when we touch ground back to Boston from Eastern Europe, and ginger will legally be ours.
Thanks Meredith

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