Saturday, September 5, 2009

Asley and Matt have gone back to school, and Julia and I hang out together. We have gone clothes shopping for the kids, visited with my mom, her grandmother, she was at the beach yesterday. Julia has also started her education. She is getting tutoring 3 afternoons a week, about 90 mins with a wonderful SPED teacher that I have known for about 2 yrs. The teacher has been pleased with what Julia has done so far, she also feels that Julia has alot of potential, we do to. Yesterday we received the Geneic-developmetnal Dr note fro the appt Julia had with her. Her height is less than the 5%. (knew that), but about a 4 yr old, weight is 32, about a 3.5 yr old, head circumference is that of a 20 month old. Under developmed much? since Julia has some right sided weakness, the Dr is concerned and wants to rule out a possible CVA (stroke). Doesn't surprise me. Just add a Neurologist onto Julias Dr list. She will be seeing GI this thurs, know she has reflux, hope she doesn't have any damage to the lining of her esophagus over it. I gave her some of a hot pretzel from the mall last week, the big doughy ones. It came up within 5 mins, thought she was going to reflux all over the floor of Sears, coughing, gagging, screaming, crying, she had so much reflux, her cheeks puffed out a little, and it went back down, she was crying after. Think I would have too, the stomach acid going up and down with the amount must have hurt. I know she will need medication for that. She still has her funky behavior, flop and drop anywhere, hit her head into the floor, etc. Guess I should get the girls some breakfast.


  1. Thinking about you and enjoy following Julia's progress. I know her little heart must be so full everynight that you tuck her into bed. I can't believe it has already been a month since we came home with our Ukrainian treasures. Rhonda & Lena

  2. I'm happy that Julia is doing well with her tutor. Will you post a picture soon? I remember seeing her for the first time on RR. What a cute little smile she had. I was worried that a family wouldn't come soon enough for her. I was wrong, Praise God!

  3. We got the "stop, drop and flop" with one son and then the "runner" with the other! LOL Makes life definitely interesting doesn't it?
    Our Alex, (Ukraine, 10/08) was a severe head banger to the floor when we first got has subsided a LOT but creeps up when he's tired sometimes. He still has a calcified bump in the middle of his forehead :(

    I would love to see pictures of her too - I bet she's just beautiful in a family :)

  4. Rhonda,
    Whenever I think back to the last days in Ukraine, you and Lena always come to mind. How is school going for her?

    Amy: there's a new pic of Julia on RR under home comings.

    Mandy: hear ya about the flop and drop and the bolter, that's our house too.

  5. found her photo, she is beautiful.
